Guide: Upgrading DSMR-reader v3.x to v4.x

DSMR-reader v4.x is backwards incompatible with 3.x. You will have to manually upgrade to make sure it will run properly.


If you’re using Docker, you can probably just install the v4.x version of the Docker container without having to perform any of the steps below.

List of changes


See the changelog, for v4.x releases and higher. Check them before updating!

1. Update to the latest v3.x version

Execute the following:

sudo su - dsmr

2. Install python3-psycopg2

If you’re using PostgreSQL, the default for DSMR-reader, install the following system package:

sudo apt-get install python3-psycopg2

Execute the following:

sudo supervisorctl stop all

sudo su - dsmr
cd ~
mv .virtualenvs/dsmrreader .virtualenvs/v3-dsmrreader

virtualenv /home/dsmr/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader --system-site-packages --python python3

# Check Python version. Should be v3.6.x or higher:
source ~/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader/bin/activate
python3 --version



If you’ve installed Python 3.6 or higher manually and the default Python version is below 3.6, make sure to specify it in the virtualenv command above.

For example:

virtualenv /home/dsmr/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader --system-site-packages --python python3.6


If you’re getting any errors, you can revert to the old version by running:

sudo su - dsmr

cd ~
mv .virtualenvs/dsmrreader .virtualenvs/v4-dsmrreader
mv .virtualenvs/v3-dsmrreader .virtualenvs/dsmrreader

# Now redeploy
sudo su - dsmr

# (Re)start all processes
sudo supervisorctl restart all

3. Switch DSMR-reader to v4.x

DSMR-reader v4.x lives in a different branch, to prevent any users from unexpectedly updating to v4.x.

Execute the following:

sudo supervisorctl stop all

sudo su - dsmr
git fetch
git checkout -b v4 origin/v4

# Make sure you're at v4 now:
git branch

git pull
pip3 install -r dsmrreader/provisioning/requirements/base.txt


4. Migrate to .env

DSMR-reader started with a for your local settings. This has some disadvantages, especially regarding today’s industry standards and how Docker works as well.

Therefor the configuration has been migrated to a .env file and system env vars are now supported as well. Follow these steps to migrate:

sudo su - dsmr
mv dsmrreader/ dsmrreader/
cp dsmrreader/provisioning/django/ dsmrreader/

cp .env.template .env

Now check the settings you were using in dsmrreader/ Compare them with the defaults in .env.

If you find any differences (e.g. different database credentials or host), update the .env file accordingly. The format should be straight forward.

Execute the following:


Backwards incompatible

Please note that DSMRREADER_PLUGINS is now a comma separated list. Chances are however very slim that you were using DSMRREADER_PLUGINS at all (advanced users only).

Unsupported settings

Not all previously available settings are also supported in .env. See Env Settings for the latest list of env vars supported.

However, you can still use any custom Django settings in the dsmrreader/ For example: X_FRAME_OPTIONS or USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST.


  • These are only for advanced users and should be used with care.

  • dsmrreader/ is a Python file/module and not a key-value list of variables.

  • You should always add them below the from dsmrreader.config.production import * line.

  • Finally, do not forget to reload or restart all processes after any modifications in .env or

5. Generate your own SECRET_KEY

Previous versions had a hardcoded value for SECRET_KEY. This was fine while running DSMR-reader in your home network, but it is not recommended for public facing instances.

To prevent some users from forgetting to set a custom secret key, DSMR-reader now simply requires everyone to generate a unique SECRET_KEY locally during installation (or when upgrading).

Execute the following:

sudo su - dsmr

Check whether the script updated your .env file properly:

grep 'SECRET_KEY=' .env

It should display the key generated when you execute it.

Check the configuration with:

./ check


If you run into the following error:

Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named 'psycopg2._psycopg'

Revert the psycopg2 installation above with:

sudo apt-get remove python3-psycopg2

sudo su - dsmr
pip3 install psycopg2-binary --upgrade

# Try again:
./ check

Execute the following:


6. Drop dsmr_mqtt

The dsmr_mqtt process has been merged with to dsmr_backend.

Execute the following:

sudo supervisorctl status

Is dsmr_mqtt listed? If not listed, skip this chapter. Otherwise remove it:

sudo rm /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dsmr_mqtt.conf
  • Apply changes:

    sudo supervisorctl reread
    sudo supervisorctl update
    sudo supervisorctl restart all

Execute the following:

sudo supervisorctl status

You should not see dsmr_mqtt anymore.

Is it still listed? You might be using a legacy configuration with all processes in a single file (e.g.: dsmr-reader.conf).

Be sure to remove it and copy the other processes separately from the repository:

sudo rm /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dsmr-reader.conf

sudo cp /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/dsmrreader/provisioning/supervisor/dsmr_datalogger.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
sudo cp /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/dsmrreader/provisioning/supervisor/dsmr_backend.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
sudo cp /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/dsmrreader/provisioning/supervisor/dsmr_webinterface.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/

sudo supervisorctl reread
sudo supervisorctl restart all

You should not see dsmr_mqtt anymore.

Also, the other processes should be running as well again.

7. Deploy

Finally, execute the deploy script:

sudo su - dsmr

Great. You should now be on v4.x!