Guide: Upgrading DSMR-reader v2.x to v3.x

DSMR-reader v3.x is backwards incompatible with 2.x. You will have to manually upgrade to make sure it will run properly.


If you’re using Docker, you can probably just install the v3.x version of the Docker container without any of the steps below.

1. Update to the latest v2.x version (v2.15)

Execute the following:

sudo su - dsmr

2. Python version check

DSMR-reader 3.x requires Python 3.6 or higher.

Execute the following:

sudo su - dsmr
python3 --version

It should display the Python version. If you’re already running Python 3.6 (or higher), you can ignore the next section.

3. Python version upgrade (part 1/2)


Only execute this section if you’re running DSMR-reader with Python 3.5 or lower!

There are several guides, depending on your OS. We assume Raspbian OS here.

Execute the following:

# Credits to Jeroen Peters @ issue #624
sudo apt-get install python3-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev -y
tar xJf Python-3.6.9.tar.xz
cd Python-3.6.9
sudo make install
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip

Try running the command python3.6 --version to see if things worked out. If you’re getting any errors, do not continue with the upgrade.

The Python upgrade continues later, after creating a backup.

4. Backup

The next thing you’ll absolutely need to do, is create a fresh database backup and store it somewhere safe.

Execute the following:

sudo su - dsmr
./ dsmr_backup_create --full

If things went well, you should see a message like:

Created full backup: /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/backups/manually/dsmrreader-postgresql-backup-Wednesday.sql.gz

Execute the following (your file name may differ!):

ls -lh /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/backups/manually/dsmrreader-postgresql-backup-Wednesday.sql.gz

Make sure the file is of some (reasonable) size:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 dsmr dsmr 7.5M Dec 18 20:59 /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/backups/manually/dsmrreader-postgresql-backup-Wednesday.sql.gz

Execute the following (your file name may differ!):

zcat /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/backups/manually/dsmrreader-postgresql-backup-Wednesday.sql.gz | tail

Make sure the output ends with:

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

5. Python version upgrade (part 2/2)


Only execute this section if you’re running DSMR-reader with Python 3.5 or lower!

Now we’re ready to remove the environment DSMR-reader uses.

Execute the following:

sudo supervisorctl stop all

sudo su - dsmr
cd ~
mv .virtualenvs/dsmrreader .virtualenvs/v2-dsmrreader

virtualenv /home/dsmr/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader --python python3.6
source ~/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader/bin/activate


If you’re getting any errors, you can revert to the old version by running:

sudo su - dsmr

# One of these checkouts might fail, but it's okay:
git checkout -b v2 origin/v2
git checkout v2

# Just make sure you're at v2 now:
git branch

cd ~
mv .virtualenvs/dsmrreader .virtualenvs/v3-dsmrreader
mv .virtualenvs/v2-dsmrreader .virtualenvs/dsmrreader

# Now redeploy
sudo su - dsmr

# (Re)start all processes
sudo supervisorctl restart all

Everything okay? Time to upgrade DSMR-reader to v3.x.

6. Switching DSMR-reader to v3.x

DSMR-reader v3.x lives in a different branch, to prevent any users from unexpectedly updating to v3.x.

Execute the following:

sudo supervisorctl stop all

sudo su - dsmr
git fetch
git checkout -b v3 origin/v3

# Make sure you're at v3 now:
git branch

git pull
pip3 install -r dsmrreader/provisioning/requirements/base.txt
pip3 install -r dsmrreader/provisioning/requirements/postgresql.txt

# Now redeploy

# (Re)start all processes
sudo supervisorctl restart all

Great. You should now be on v3.x!